
FALEA – 21 villages threatened by a uranium mine !

The inhabitants of Faléa won a milestone victory. The falling prices of uranium and their resistance have led to the abandonment of the projected uranium mine. Is it only temporary?
Alas! The struggle in many ways will continue. A struggle for local democracy and an equitable, ecologic and economic sustainable development.
Even if the worst is pushed away, there are dozens of other exploration and mining concessions granted by the malian government that may destroy the land of the Municipality of Faléa and pollute the groundwater. This can lead in the future even to pollute the watershed of the Senegal River.
The successful experience of Faléa citizen initiative (ARACF) can be useful to all the surrounding communities, ARACF counts on YOU.
Faléa needs your vigilance and your help ……

Thank You  !

The European Civic Forum – Swiss Committee –  will transmit Your donation to the Citizen Initiative of FALEA, ARACF (Association of former inhabitants and friends of the Municipality of Falea).

Do not forget to mention FALEA

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